Regulatory Corner

Recent Key Regulatory Filings

Ohio Electric Security Plan (ESP) VI: 25-0092-EL-SSO

Filed 1/31/2025

OH Base Rate Case: 24-0468-EL-AIR

Filed 5/31/2024, Updated 7/31/2024

PA Base Rate Case: R-2024-3047068

Final Order (issued 11/21/2024)

JCP&L Base Rate Case: ER23030144

Final Order (issued 2/14/2024)

PA Long-Term Infrastructure Improvement Plan (LTIIP III):

Final Order (issued 12/19/2024)

NJ Investment Infrastructure Program (IIP): EO23110793

EnergizeNJ Filing (filed 11/9/2023, amended 2/27/2024)

West Virginia Base Rate Case: 23 0460 E 42T

Initial Filing (filed 5/31/2023, settlement agreement filed 1/23/2024, approved 3/26/2024)

Other Select Regulatory Proceedings (Link To Dockets)


Grid Mod II Filing: 22-0704-EL-UNC

HB6 Related Investigations:


Pennsylvania Legal Entity Consolidation: A-2023-3038771

Approval of FET 30% Interest Sale: A-2023-3040481, A-2023-3040482, A-2023-3040483, G-2023-3040484, G-2023-3040485, G-2023-3040486

New Jersey

NJ Management Audit: EA20110733

West Virginia

Annual ENEC Filing: 22-0793-E-ENEC

Solar Generation Projects Proceeding: 21-0813-E-US

Depreciation Rate Filing: 23-0030-E-D


Maryland Base Rate Case: No. 9695

Commission Investigation into Ohio-Related Activities: 9667


Approval of FET 30% Interest Sale: PUR-2023-00078


WPP, MP, and PE Transmission Formula Rate Settlement Discussions: ER21-253 & ER21-265

Pennsylvania Legal Entity Consolidation: EC23-59

Approval of FET 30% Interest Sale: EC23-86